Unlimited Glo

Due to popularity many people choose networks when it comes to browsing and because of that Glo is the best in browsing for those that understand the logic --GLO-- . Now a normal browsing package on glo is Glo bounce (to migrate: *170*4# but it will be better to use *170*9# to browse at campus-rate which is 30mb at the recharge of 200naira). Glo Gbam: glo gbam is another interesting package which gives 5mb for just 5naira valid for a day, to migrate: *100*5*1#, 5naira will be deducted at every 24hours automatically and 5mb will be given at every deduction. To opt-out migrate to another glo package of your choice. Now glo is back with interesting package which gives 5times of normal recharge e.g. If a 200airtime is loaded ye shall get 200times5 which is 1000naira airtime and can be use for anything like calls to any network, sms and even browsing


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